Tuesday, May 24, 2011


I used to smoke. I smoked off and on (mostly on, even if my family never knew) for over 14 years. A couple of years ago I got a really bad flu/bronchitis. It got so bad that I couldn't smoke a cigarette without having a cough drop in my mouth. After a couple of days like this, I decided to quit. And I did. I took the half a carton of smokes I had left, gave them to a friend, and I was done. Cold Turkey. I've had maybe 3-5 cigarettes since then, and they were all within a couple of months of quitting.

Quitting smoking seems to be a breeze compared to sticking to a diet. There are temptations EVERYWHERE! You don't even notice em normally. But just driving down the road and passing a Burger King, or even sitting at work with candy bars and potato chips within arms reach. This morning I found a leftover bag of Ruffles in the kitchen - I took them straight to my brother and said "Either eat em or throw them away".

I woke up this evening with a raging headache and cramped leg muscles - but I haven't given in.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there son... you will succeed! Tell Aaron and Jessie that any foods not good for your diet WILL end up in the trash if you find them! They need to encourage you, not sabatoge this effort! When you think you want to eat, grab a glass of water! Water is what you really want...your body just needs to figure that out, and it will! Keep up the good work!
