Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Pizza - God's Greatest Creation

I know I need to cut down on how much food I eat. But even more than that I just need to eat healthier. I love pasta, stuffed crust pizza, greasy hamburgers, and burritos. The list could go on and on. I have no idea how I’m going to live without pizza. I truly think that Pizza is one of God’s greatest gifts to mankind. It has everything! Grains, Dairy, Vegetable, and Meat. (If it weren't so darn greasy!) But this journey is an entire lifestyle change. I tell my wife every day “I would do anything for you.” Well, I need to be willing to do anything to keep myself around for her and my family. If I have to give up some creature comforts to do so, I’m going to have to do that.

That said – I don’t even know where to start. There are so many different diets out there, and this isn’t really about “Losing Pounds”. It’s really about being healthy. That and a nice set of washboard abs! LOL – just kidding. Here’s my initial thoughts:

1. Cut my calorie intake down to about 2000 a day – This isn’t set in stone, but more of a goal to shoot for.

2. Instead of 2 or 3 Big meals a day, spread it out to 5 or 6 small meals.

3. Quit drinking sodas – Even though I almost exclusively drink diet soda, I sometimes drink 3 or 4 Forty-four ounce fountain sodas in a 24 hour period.

I think this; along with my initial 30 minutes of daily exercise will be a good start to where I’m headed. If you have any suggestions feel free to leave them in the comments.


  1. Bubba, maybe you could start with walking like 30 mins a night before you go to work. It's good exercise and a great way to spend time with your wifey and the baby.

    P.S. You can have pizza. Just be smart about it. Don't order from Pizza Hut. Make it at home. Thin crust, light cheese, healthy toppings like chicken or ham, no pepperoni and sausage. Plus you can pile as many veggies on top as you want. There are lots of variations on foods that you like that are healthy for you. E-mail me, and I'll send you the recipe for low cal, extra delicious lasagna. Trust me, my kids and hubby love it love it love it!!! Minor changes in your eating = big changes in your health. Love you bub! I'm extra proud of you!!!!

  2. Krystie has good suggestions there son... also check out .. it is a diet site that a friend turned me on to the first of the can keep track of everything you eat and they show you where you are in need of a nutrient or even if you need more carbs, fat, protien, etc.... they help you create a good balanced diet. oh...I am working on slowing down on the diet soda's too...we have filled the fridge with lots and lots of water, sobe, iced tea, etc... but I try to stick with the water as I know it has no calories and is still good for me!
